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The CamelTones was born in 2012 in the back room of LMI, a local ISP owned by Gary and Dan in Berkeley. The Chicken (Ten Ton) practices weekly (weakly?) in a back room of LMI.  Often yahoos will pass thru and say "Hey we should have a big jam sometime." So one night we did, and invited anyone who wanted, to come and jam.


6 of us showed up, and The CamelTones was born.  I called dibs on bass, and got my first bass gig. We all brought in songs to learn, and we all sing lead now and then.


Gary Morrell, gtr, mandolin, slide; Mark Francis, acoustic gtr; Steveo Chaney, ukulele; Rich DiBenedetto, drums and perc; Karla Downey, drums and perc; JS, bass.


Partial artist list: Paul McCartney, Maria Muldaur, Pink Floyd, Phish, Wilco, Ween, XTC, Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel, Jethro Tull, The Band, Hawaiian ditties, Bob Seeger, REM, Gerry Rafferty, RHCP, Alanis, etc etc etc.

The CamelTones

© 2013 by Jamison Smeltz. All rights reserved.

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