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Jamison on TOUR with miRthkon September 14-29 2013 EUROPE

                                                                                                     ... see details below

Current Itinerary (some dates subject to change and/or TBD):


9/14 - Milan, Italy w/ Yugen + CD RELEASE SHOW! Casa di Alex
9/16 - Marseille, France w/ das Simple @ Upercut
9/17 - Toulouse, France @ Amanita Muscaria w/ Stabat Akish
9/18 - Tarbes, France @ Celtic Pub 
9/20-22; Rock in Opposition, Carmaux France-

         Headlining Sat 9/21!
9/25 - Trento, Italy @ Trentino Jazz Festival @ Univ. of Trento
9/27 - Munich, Germany @ Kafe Kult
9/28 - Würzburg, Germany FreakShow ArtRock Festival!

F E A T U R E D   

 miRthkon European Tour 2013 

8 shows, 3 countries, 6 woodwinds,

1 new album, 11,943,123,356 notes

(or so)

E V E N T 

miRthkon HEADLINING @ 


Artrock-Festival 2013 - 27.-28.09.

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'Camelopardalis,' live (JS feature)


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See photos, videos, blogs from the tour below...


"Kharms Way"


Up at 8:30, shower and out solo for a cappuccino and croissant at a bar on the Place de Verdun. Tables were wet with the nights rain, and a pigeon eyed me suspiciously. I know I had seen him before, but he responded to none of my queries. 

Back to the Celtic at 9:30, Jean Louis and Yas greeted us with bread and jam and more coffee. I gave them each a Ten Ton Chicken cd, and JL gave Wally a cd of Mucho Tapioca, a band he produced whose cd he had played while we were setting up. 

I have heard so much music already that I am as yet unaware of. Part of my excitement for this tour is to get exposure to more amazing music, which I have sought less and less as I age. The RiO shows will be an education I am eagerly anticipating.

The rain is arriving. A field of sunflowers withers to my left. We are in good hands with Steve from England, and all is right in my tiny universe.

Jamison Smeltz

September 19 near Rangueil, Midi-Pyrenees, France via mobile


Th 10:51 am. Enroute from Tarbes FR back to Toulouse FR.

(Small correction: my last entry should have read Wednesday, not Tuesday.)

Heavy clouds are on the horizon, still more charming than threatening. Today we head back to Toulouse for a day off, to find laundry and do some sight seeing. Then tomorrow on to Carmaux for the 3-day Rock in Opposition festival, where we headline Saturday night.

We got into Tarbes about 2 yesterday, had a bit of difficulty finding the hotel so we parked in what we assumed was the general vicinity and I took a look around. Found it a few blocks away, and as the van came around I checked us into the Hotel Croix Blanche on the Place de Verdun, a sweet place with a homey feel and friendly dog. We got 2 rooms with 2 queen-size beds each, relaxed a bit and on to the venue, a whopping 2 blocks away. 

The Celtic Pub (shout out to the Neesons!) is covered with old gig posters from ceiling to floor, every square inch a visual feast, bookshelves along a wall crammed with paperbacks and whatever, a crate of vinyl records there for whoever wants to play dj. We were greeted by owner Jean Louis and his business partner Yas (short for Yasmine), a friend of a friend of Matt Lebofsky who booked us. Very kind, all spoke English well. Started off right with a Kilkenny on tap, nice cream ale (Irish? POMs please forgive my ignorance). Their 4-year old kids played while we loaded in, flashing us shy smiles. 

Jean Louis moved the pool table over into the corner and gave us room to set up. Matt's bass amp was set atop a pallet, and during the set he stood on the pallet as well, towering over us more than usual. We setup three forward (gtr/gtr/ Carolyn) and three back (bass/ drums/ me), right on the floor, tables 2 feet in front and to the side of us.

We used our own setup including in- ear monitors. Check went fine and we headed upstairs for food, a nice tomato onion pepper salad and soft crusty French bread with pâté de trompettes. Really. 

We hit about 8:15, played our longest set so far, an hour and a half, including everything we've prepped for the tour. First EU performances of Variety Pack (a beautiful non-typical miRth song from the new album Snack(s)) and Automaton, one of my faves that features Carolyn on tenor sax solo. We haven't played that in quite a while, and her solo is reaching new heights of expression and wonderment. Very exciting. 

The crowd, maybe 60 strong, was very attuned, strong applause between songs. They got an encore out of us, Osedax, which we had also used as an encore in the sweaty naked cave gig in Toulouse on Tuesday. Perfect closer, IMHO. 

During the set Wally broke a string, and as he changed it Matt L hit on a bass groove singing "Wally broke a string" and we all jammed along. We should do an improv every night. 

After the set we relaxed with a few Guinness and Leffe, a new fave. Not too fond of the sour ale though. Yas invited us all back upstairs, for real French fries and sausage Toulouse, long (three feet or so) and thin and mild and delicious. 

We left our gear in a pile in the club and walked the 2 blocks back to the hotel, and bed by 12:30.

My dreams were deep and bizarre, and not worth mentioning in a public forum. 

from the travel  blogs:

Videos LIVE from Europe Tour

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LIVE miRthkon in Europe

link to ALL videos from

Rock n Opposition Festival

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