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Wally Scharold, leader and guitar

Travis Andrews, guitar

Matt Lebofsky, bass

Matthew Guggemos, drums

Carolyn Walter, reeds

JS, alto and baritone saxes


I first saw miRthkon at their EP release show at the Uptown in Oakland, in 2006. After about 10 seconds I knew I needed to be in this band. The music was aggressive yet agile, heavy yet humorous, amazing beyond words.   A month later their alto player bailed, and after a lengthy audition I was in.


In 2009 we released the ful-length "Vehicle".  Shows  featured delightful and bizarre videos, made by Wally and Jarred McAdams. 2010 saw us at CalProg in Los Angeles, from which grew  the feature-length pseudo-psycho-spy-concert film "(format)."


Summer 2012 took us across the US for a short tour, interrupted by Wally's kidney stone which got blasted by a laser in Chicago.


In September 2013 we head to Europe to play festivals in Carmaux, FR, Wurzburg GE, and Trento IT.


© 2013 by Jamison Smeltz. All rights reserved.

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